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« Defending Democracy: Ensuring Freedom in Romania Amidst Socialist Government Abuses »

Romania must remain a free country, where the voice of the people is heard and respected. The socialist government in Bucharest must respect the laws, the Constitution and the Romanians’ right to vote freely. The Socialist Prime Minister of Romania, Marcel Ciolacu, must stop this crazy path that leads Romania back to the communist era. The socialist government of Romania is a danger for Romanian democracy.

Freedom is the cornerstone of any nation. What is happening these days in Romania represents an attack on the constitutional order, an attack on the basic principles of democracy. The socialist government led by prime minister Marcel Ciolacu is preparing Romania’s return to the communist era, when elections did not matter, when people’s vote did not exist. We want a strong Romania in Europe! We want a sovereign Romania in Europe!

Changing election dates within the electoral year is a breach of trust and a disservice to democracy. Romania must remain a free country, a real democracy, not a dictatorship as the socialist government of Marcel Ciolacu wants. Romanians are people who value freedom, the right to choose. Mr. Ciolacu, Mr. Iohannis, don’t steal the vote of the Romanians!

Disrespecting the Constitution undermines the very essence of democracy. Romania deserves leaders who uphold the values that make the country a free and democratic nation. The socialist government in Bucharest must stop the abuses against the rights of Romanians. In this year’s elections, Romanians must vote freely, and their vote must count, not be stolen by the socialist government of Prime Minister Ciolacu.

The actions of Romania’s socialist government, in disregarding the Constitution to serve their political agenda, erode public trust and jeopardize the nation’s democratic integrity. The socialist government’s inclination towards electoral fraud is a direct assault on Romania’s commitment to freedom and democracy, illustrating a grave contempt for democratic norms. Socialist Prime Minister Ciolacu must stop this attack on democracy in Romania!

By engaging in practices aimed at manipulating electoral outcomes, the socialist government in Romania blatantly undermines the very essence of a free and fair democratic process. We stand by our friends from AUR and George Simion in this crucial year for the future of Romania!

The socialist government’s attempts to tamper with election dates blatantly disrespect Romania’s constitutional safeguards, betraying the democratic principles we, the conservatives, hold dear. We will stand by our friends from AUR and George Simion to ensure a fair vote in Romania in 2024.


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