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Speech by President Ilham Aliyev on the Occasion of the Opening of the International Conference on “Mitigating Environmental Impact of Landmines: Resource Mobilization for a Safe and Green Future”


For nearly 30 years, Armenia occupied Nagorno-Karabakh. In 2020, in accordance with international law, Baku reclaimed this disputed territory. However, as they departed, pro-Armenian forces left mines throughout the territory. One of the Azerbaijani government’s top priorities has been to clear these mines. Despite the highly efficient and internationally funded efforts of the ANAMA agency, demining will take many years. A recent conference in Baku focused on the environmental challenges posed by these mines.

Dear Conference Participants,

I welcome you on the occasion of the opening of the International Conference themed “Mitigating Environmental Impact of Landmines: Resource Mobilization for a Safe and Green Future.” Today, we gather to address a critical issue that continues to threaten the safety of people and the environment in many countries around the world.

Environmental Impact of Landmines

Mine explosions not only threaten lives but also cause significant environmental damage. The plastic waste resulting from explosions negatively impacts soil structure. Landmines that remain unearthed for long periods can lead to hazardous chemical reactions. Soil left unused due to the threat of mines is subjected to erosion and abrasion.

This conference is particularly significant as it is organized in the run-up to the 29th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change – COP29, which Azerbaijan will host.

Situation in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is bearing the brunt of a 30-year-long conflict and the occupation of its lands by Armenia, suffering from a severe mine pollution problem, making it one of the most mine-polluted countries in the world. According to initial estimates, roughly 12 percent of the country’s territory is contaminated with 1.5 million mines and an unknown number of unexploded ordnances.

Since the end of the war in 2020, 361 of our citizens, mostly civilians, have fallen victim to mine explosions, resulting in 68 deaths and 293 severe injuries. Overall, since the beginning of Armenia’s aggression against Azerbaijan, over 3,400 of our citizens have suffered from mines, including 358 children and 38 women. The steady increase in the number of mine victims is associated with Armenia’s refusal to provide accurate maps of the mines it planted across Azerbaijan’s territory and with placing booby traps along roads, cemeteries, and other civilian facilities located behind the former line of contact. From 2020 to 2023, new mine zones were created stretching up to 500 kilometers, and new mines were planted in Azerbaijan. The responsibility for this rests with Armenia.

The challenges we face in demining also hamper our development and recovery efforts, creating serious obstacles for the return of 800,000 formerly displaced persons.

Humanitarian Demining Efforts

Humanitarian demining is among the top priorities of Azerbaijan’s state policies, and this foundation was laid by the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev. Today, the primary body in charge of humanitarian demining in Azerbaijan is the Mine Action Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ANAMA).

So far, approximately 140,000 hectares have been cleared of 119,946 mines and unexploded ordnances. Yet, mined areas stretch far beyond that. Mines are easy to plant, but mine clearance is a much more difficult and complex process. In a short span of time, Azerbaijan has mobilized all its strength and is using the most advanced and cutting-edge technologies available worldwide. We are implementing measures to enhance efficiency in mine clearance, and our capabilities have significantly improved compared to previous years. All-women demining teams have also been deployed since last year.

International Mobilization and Initiatives

Our country is implementing humanitarian demining at its own expense. Adequate political and practical support from the international community for mitigating the humanitarian consequences of mines and demining affected areas is of utmost significance.

While addressing its mine problem, Azerbaijan has simultaneously launched multiple initiatives to draw the international community’s attention to this matter. As you may know, last year our country officially declared humanitarian demining as the 18th National Sustainable Development Goal, and we are working to ensure the recognition of this issue as the UN’s Global 18th SDG. In the meantime, Azerbaijan has launched an initiative to establish a Special Contact Group on Humanitarian Demining within the Non-Aligned Movement. The Contact Group has been operational since last September.

At the 15th meeting of the States Parties to the “1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict,” held in 2013, a resolution titled “The Impact of Mines on Cultural Heritage” was adopted upon Azerbaijan’s initiative. As a follow-up to this momentous resolution, Azerbaijan hosted a special conference in Aghdam this May, themed “The Impact of Mines and Unexploded Ordnance on Cultural Property.”

In the past three years, our country has hosted a number of international conferences, in collaboration with the UN, dedicated to the subject of mines. Along with being leading platforms for the discussion of mine action matters, these events draw greater attention to this significant problem that troubles humanity in the modern era. Presently, Azerbaijan is working with the UN to establish a “Center of Excellence” to provide education on mine action. A letter of intent is due to be signed between ANAMA and the UN Development Programme on the sidelines of this conference. This notable development will allow Azerbaijan to share its expertise with countries facing similar problems.


Today’s event demonstrates Azerbaijan’s determination to tackle the mine issue, one of the challenges of modern times. I believe that this conference will contribute to addressing the problem of mines and their consequences, including the environmental impact, as well as to the exchange of advanced experience in the area of mine action.

I extend my best wishes to you and wish the conference every success.

Ilham Aliyev
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Baku, 29 May 2024


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